Tuesday, January 13, 2015

60 Days without an event.

Saw my oncologist this morning. He had planned for another series of chemo-to start today....but, when he walked into the room... "You look way to good to even be here."  "let's wait until we see the results of the CT Scan on Thursday (1/15/15) and decide then.  Now that, makes me one happy camper.  Told him, that I haven't felt this good, in quit a long while. 

My breathing is so much better.  While I still have COPD, not that much coughing. The only real RX I am taking, is the Spiriva.  And, my thyroid RX... 

Basically I am pretty healthy.  Walking, cooking, some cleaning, and driving.  I don't have a lot of energy built up....but that will come with time. 

When I have to slow down, I tend to organize rooms and stuff...so, nothing lost and everything gained.

I will see oncologist on the 20th and the radiation Dr. on the 4th of Feb.  Hang on world...Here I come, again.

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